Odigos PTCA Guidewires are designed to provide a balance between tip flexibility and body stiffness during front-line percutaneous Transluminal Coronary Angioplasty (PTCA) Procedures. It offers responsive tip prolapse while delivering push ability and kink resistance in the body of guidewire.
Balance Between Tip Flexibility and BodyStiffness
2 cm Radiopaque Distal Tip
1: 1 Torque Response
Shapable Distal Tip
A two centimetre radiopaque distal marker and 1:1 torque response facilitate precise guide wire placement.
Odigos PTCA Guidewires are front-line guidewires that offer superb balance between tip flexibility and body stiffness.
Responsive tip prolapse while delivering increased push ability and kink resistance in the body of the guidewire.
High visibility under fluoroscopy for precise guidewire placement.
Steerable navigation with precise control
Sub-selective navigation within coronary vasculature
Stainless steel core-to-tip construction
2 cm inner radiopaque marker
Smooth joints and distal dome
Guide wire extension on proximal shaft (185 cm only)